Kuwata T, Takaki K, Yoshimura K, Enomoto I, Wu F, Ourmanov I, Hirsch VM, Yokoyama M, Sato H, Matsushita S. Analysis of Env regions important for binding and resistance to B404, a potent neutralizing antibody against SIV. AIDS Vaccine 2013. 7-10 October 2013. Barcelona, Spain.
Matsushitas S., Yoshimura K., Maeda T., Murakami T., KD-1002 Principal Investigators and The Protocol Team of Quintiles. Passive transfer of neutralizing monoclonal antibody KD-247 reduces plasma viral load in patientschronically infected with HIV-1: a phase-1b clinical study of a humanized monoclonal antibody KD-247 (KD-1002).
Ramirez K, Kuwata T, Maruta Y, Tanaka K, Alam M, Rahman K, Kawanami Y, Enomoto I, Tamamura H, Yoshimura K, Matsushita S. Improving the brodality and potency of neutralizing anti-HIV-1 antibodies with a CD4 mimetic compound. AIDS Vaccine 2013. 7-10 October 2013. Barcelona, Spain.